The more emails you send, the more money you make
I started my email list years ago on MailChimp.
I quickly discovered that monkey-branded piece of software is best for e-comm brands.
I moved to Kit and spent dozens of hours testing parts of my newsletter, including subject lines, content formats, and segmentation.
Oh, how I geeked out on segmentation. Most of these types of tests did little for my business.
Take list segmentation
It's a powerful strategy for some creators. But, it's also a black hole of hard work. I got sick and tired of mapping funnels and journeys. That's time I could spend writing and creating content, helping clients, working out, or collecting the kids from school.
So, this year, I simplified my strategy. I started writing and sending a daily newsletter.
I'd rather spend my morning writing and creating more content. And if one email doesn't work, I get to try again tomorrow. Sending MORE emails did far more for my business than messing around with endless tests.
I enjoy spending 30 minutes every morning writing emails like this one. Some mornings, if I get into a state of creative flow, I can knock out two or three emails in one go. I don’t like writing or scheduling emails more than 2-3 days in advance.
Hyperscheduling means my content loses a sense of immediacy, I can’t reference current events, and I end up re-editing scheduled content.
I don't worry about testing every subject line or segmenting my list beyond customers and non-customers. I also stopped playing around with fancy premium templates: these days, I use a simple text-based email with the occasional video embedded from my YouTube channel.
Writing a daily email means I'm never short on content for social media. I quickly turn parts of my daily email into a post for LinkedIn, a note for Substack, or flesh it out as a YouTube video.
My newsletter grows organically, too. I spend hardly anything on Facebook ads these days.
I’m not doing this just for fun, though. My daily newsletter is also a lucrative income stream for my business via sponsors, offers, and promos.
You'll enjoy this video if you're considering starting a daily newsletter in 2025. I breakdown what a daily newsletter is doing for my business.. and how you can use the same strategy for yours.